Barangaroo South Sustainability Report 2021 - 2023
1. Concrete: 40 per cent cement replacement in concrete We are targeting, on average, 40 per cent Portland Cement replacement across all three residential towers. Through collaboration with our concrete supplier, we implemented an alternative concrete by Hymix (HySustain Concrete) which enabled us to reduce the embodied carbon of the structural concrete. 2. Steel: Manufactured by Electric Arc Furnace On Residences One (R1) and Two (R2) we have reduced embodied carbon emissions of reinforcement steel by sourcing from Natsteel which operates an energy efficient electric arc furnace. We are also offsetting 100 per cent of remaining reinforcement steel emissions by purchasing third-party certified offsets. 3. Aluminium: Manufactured by renewable hydropower Taking the learnings from R1 and R2, we utilised aluminium manufactured by renewable hydropower at Watermans Residences. We estimate that this has contributed to approximately a 34 per cent decrease in the carbon intensity of the aluminium in the building façade and a 5 per cent reduction in carbon intensity across the entire project. This is calculated using the reference case defined by Green Star Design and As-Built v1.1 and will be verified at practical completion. 4. Plasterboard: Climate Active certification Carbon neutral Climate Active Certified Siniat products are used as plasterboards for walls and ceiling systems across all three towers. DELIVERING ON Environmental focus Creating thriving co SUSTAINABILITY IMPERATI VIBRANT AND RESILIENT COMMUNITIES AND CITIES SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH SOCIAL VALUE FOCUS ENVIRONMENTAL FOCU Resources and materials Climate action Creating hriving commun SUSTAINABILITY IMPERAT VES VIBRANT AND ESILIE T COMMUNITIES AND CITIES SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH SOCIAL VALUE FOCUS ENVIRONMENTAL FOCUS Resources and mat ri ls Climate action 25 Sustainability Report 2021–23 Barangaroo South SHAPING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE
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