Barangaroo South Sustainability Report 2021 - 2023
From food to fuel Recycling in high-rise residential apartments is notoriously poor. Often food waste is not separated from general waste for recycling, leading to waste disposal rooms that smell and attract vermin. Though Barangaroo South is targeting 80 per cent diversion of operational waste from landfill, many other apartments experience recycling levels closer to 25 per cent. Food waste is one of the most problematic waste streams: it is the heaviest and most odorous, is expensive to process, and is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in landfill. At One Sydney Harbour, interventions to raise potential recycling rates make separating and processing food waste easier, quicker and safer. An InSinkErator, or food waste blender, is installed in most kitchen sinks to enable residents to dispose of food wastes such as meat and vegetable scraps. This grinds the waste and automatically delivers it to a storage tank in the basement, where it is diverted from landfill and repurposed for beneficial reuse. DELIVERING ON Environmental focus Creating thriving communities SUSTAINABILITY IMPERATIVES VIBRANT AND RESILIENT COMMUNITIES AND CITIES HEALTHY PLANET AND PEOPLE SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH SOCIAL VALUE FOCUS ENVIRONMENTAL FOCUS Resources and materials Climate action Nature and pollution Economic prosperity Community inclusion Wellbeing Creating hriving communities SUSTAINABILITY IMPERAT VES VIBRANT AND RESILIE T COMMUNITIES AND C TIES HEALTHY PLANET AND PEOPLE SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC GROWTH SOCIAL VALUE FOCUS ENVIRONMENTAL FOCUS Resources and materi ls Climate action Nature and pollutio Economic pr sper ty Community inclusion Wellbeing 40 Sustainability Report 2021–23 Barangaroo South SHAPING A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE
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