Lendlease Annual Report 2022

Financial Statements 123 3. Earnings Per Share/Stapled Security (EPS/EPSS) Accounting Policies The Group presents basic and diluted EPS/EPSS in the Income Statement. This is a key performance measure for the Group. Refer to further details in the Managing and Measuring Value - Financial section of this Annual Report. Basic EPS/EPSS is determined by dividing Profit/(loss) after tax attributable to members of the Company and Group (excluding any costs of servicing equity other than ordinary shares/securities) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares/securities outstanding during the financial year, adjusted for bonus elements in ordinary shares/securities issued during the financial year. Diluted EPS/EPSS is determined by adjusting the Profit/(loss) after tax attributable to members of the Company and Group, and the weighted average number of ordinary shares/securities outstanding for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares/ securities. The Group currently does not have any dilutive potential ordinary shares/securities. Dilution occurs when treasury shares and employee share options are included in outstanding shares. The issued units of Lendlease Trust (LLT) are presented separately within equity, and therefore the profit attributable to LLT is excluded from the calculation of basic and diluted earnings per Company share presented in the Income Statement. JUNE 2022 JUNE 2021 Shares/ Securities Excluding Treasury Securities Shares/ Securities on Issue Shares/ Securities Excluding Treasury Securities Shares/ Securities on Issue Basic/Diluted Earnings Per Share (EPS) 1 (Loss)/profit attributable to members of Lendlease Corporation Limited (Company) $m (239) (239) 128 128 Weighted average number of ordinary shares m 683 689 683 688 Basic/Diluted EPS cents (35.0) (34.7) 18.7 18.6 Basic/Diluted Earnings Per Stapled Security (EPSS) 1 (Loss)/profit attributable to securityholders of Lendlease Group $m (99) (99) 222 222 Weighted average number of stapled securities m 683 689 683 688 Basic/Diluted EPSS 2 cents (14.5) (14.4) 32.5 32.3 1. Balances include both continuing and discontinued operations. Earnings per share/stapled security for continuing and discontinued operations have been separately disclosed in Note 33 ‘Discontinued Operations’. 2. Details of the Group's Core operating earnings per stapled security is disclosed in Note 1 'Segment Reporting'.