Lendlease Annual Report 2024
152 Lendlease Annual Report 2024 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements continued 34. Defined Benefit Plan Accounting Policies Group companies operate pension plans. The plans are generally funded through payments to insurance companies or trustee administered funds as determined by periodic actuarial calculations. A defined benefit plan is a pension plan that defines the amount of pension benefit an employee will receive on retirement, usually dependent on one or more factors such as age, years of service and compensation. The asset or liability recognised in the Statement of Financial Position in respect of defined benefit plan is the present value of the defined benefit obligation i.e. ‘the pension liability’ at the balance sheet date less the fair value of plan assets. The present value of the pension liability is determined by discounting the estimated future cash outflows using interest rates of high quality corporate or government bonds, that: • Are denominated in the currency in which the benefits will be paid • Have terms to maturity approximating the terms of the related pension liability. The defined benefit obligation is calculated at least annually by independent actuaries using the projected unit credit method, which in simplistic terms proportions the benefit based on service. Management considers the valuation of defined benefit plan undertaken by the actuaries to be an area of estimation uncertainty as a number of key assumptions must be adopted to determine the valuation. Actuarial losses/(gains) will arise where there is a difference between previous estimates and actual experience, or a change to assumptions in relation to demographic and financial trends. These actuarial losses/(gains) are recognised in the period they occur, directly in other comprehensive income as remeasurements. They are included in retained earnings in the Statement of Changes in Equity and in the Statement of Financial Position. Past service costs are recognised immediately in the Income Statement. June 2024 June 2023 Note $m $m Lendlease UK Pension Scheme 34.a 82 171 Total net defined benefit plan asset 82 171 34.a. Lendlease UK Pension Scheme Lendlease Construction Holdings (Europe) Limited (UK Construction) sponsors a funded defined benefit pension scheme (the Scheme) for qualifying UK employees. The Scheme is administered by a separate board of Trustees which is legally separate from UK Construction. The Scheme’s Trustees are composed of representatives of both the employer and employees. The Trustees are required by law to act in the interest of all relevant beneficiaries and are responsible for the investment policy with regard to the assets plus the day to day administration of the benefits. The Scheme is a funded defined benefit scheme, with the final salary section providing retirement benefits based on final salary and the index linked section providing retirement benefits based on career average salary. A separate section, the Personal Investment Section, provides retirement benefits on a defined contribution basis. The UK Construction’s contributions to members’ Personal Investment Fund accounts are not included in these disclosures. The final salary section closed to future accruals on 31 August 2008 and the index linked section closed to future accruals on 31 January 2012. During the year, the Trustees transacted a full scheme buy-in to insure the majority of the Scheme’s benefits and materially reduce the Scheme’s exposure to actuarial risk and market (investment) risk. The difference between the value of the liabilities insured and the cost of the insurance policy of $75 million (pre-tax) was recognised as a loss in other comprehensive income. This process identified a number of adjustments required to be made to members’ benefits, with the past service impact of $42 million being recognised as a gain in the Income Statement. UK Construction is no longer required to fund pension shortfalls, therefore previously held Scheme assets of $21 million have been removed from Plan Assets accordingly. There were no other Scheme amendments affecting defined benefits payable, curtailments or settlements during the year. Until 31 March 2024, UK Construction paid 4.0 percent of members’ basic salaries to cover the Scheme’s expected administration costs and costs of benefits payable on death in service. From 1 April 2024, these costs are met from plan assets. The latest triennial valuation for 31 March 2023 showed the Scheme to have an actuarial surplus so deficit repair contributions are not required to be paid. Section F. Other Notes continued
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