Lendlease Annual Report 2024

96 Lendlease Annual Report 2024 Table of Contents Consolidated Financial Statements Income Statement 97 Statement of Comprehensive Income 98 Statement of Financial Position 99 Statement of Changes in Equity 100 Statement of Cash Flows 101 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Section A. Performance 1. Segment Reporting 103 2. Dividends/Distributions 110 3. Earnings Per Share/Stapled Security (EPS/EPSS) 111 4. Revenue from Contracts with Customers 112 5. Share of Profit of Equity Accounted Investments 114 6. Other Income 114 7. Other Expenses 115 8. Finance Revenue and Finance Costs 117 9. Taxation 118 10. Events Subsequent to Balance Date 121 Section B. Investment 11. Inventories 122 12. Equity Accounted Investments 123 13. Other Financial Assets 128 Section C. Liquidity and Working Capital 14. Cash and Cash Equivalents 129 15. Notes to Statement of Cash Flows 130 16. Borrowings and Financing Arrangements 130 17. Issued Capital 132 18. Capital Management 133 19. Liquidity Risk Exposure 133 20. Commitments 134 21. Loans and Receivables 135 22. Trade and Other Payables 136 23. Provisions 138 Section D. Risk Management 24. Financial Risk Management 140 25. Hedging 142 26. Fair Value Measurement 143 27. Contingent Liabilities 144 Section E. Basis of Consolidation 28. Consolidated Entities 145 29. Employee Benefit Vehicles 146 30. Parent Entity Disclosures 147 31. Related Party Information 147 Section F. Other Notes 32. Intangible Assets 149 33. Disposal Group Assets and Liabilities Held for Sale 151 34. Defined Benefit Plan 152 35. Employee Benefits 154 36. Reserves 159 37. Impact of New and Revised Accounting Standards 159 38. Other Material Accounting Policies 160 Consolidated Entity Disclosure Statement Consolidated Entity Disclosure Statement 161 Directors’ Declaration Directors' Declaration 175 Independent Auditor’s Report 176 Lendlease Corporation Limited (the Company) is incorporated and domiciled in Australia. The consolidated financial report of the Company for the financial year ended 30 June 2024 comprises the Company and its controlled entities including Lendlease Trust (LLT) (together referred to as the Consolidated Entity or the Group). The Group is a for profit entity and is an international property and investments group. Further information about the Group’s primary activities is included in Note 1 ‘Segment Reporting’. Shares in the Company and units in LLT are traded as one security under the name of Lendlease Group on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). The Company is deemed to control LLT for accounting purposes and therefore LLT is consolidated into the Group’s financial report. The issued units of LLT, however, are not owned by the Company and are therefore presented separately in the consolidated entity Statement of Financial Position within equity, notwithstanding that the unitholders of LLT are also the shareholders of the Company. The consolidated financial report was authorised for issue by the Directors on 19 August 2024.