LC_SBR Home Magazine_Aug 2013_WEB - page 16

Lend Lease Communities
It’s your home . Lend Lease . Winter 2013
Creating special places
For over 50 years now, Lend Lease has been
creating communities that define the way
Australians like to live. Truly beautiful places
planned to maximise the things we love about
our unique way of life.
Places that are designed for the way we live
today, yet ever mindful of our responsibilities
for how we will live tomorrow; with real
opportunities in housing choice, education,
work and healthy recreation built in from the
very beginning.
We believe everyone who comes and
experiences our places should feel safe within
a welcoming community that will grow and
prosper into the future.
We lead by example. Across the country,
communities that we are responsible for
continue to flourish, nurturing the very essence
of what we believe for generations to come.
These are the places that make us proud.
Springbank Rise
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Yeend Avenue, Casey ACT 2913
1800 929 466
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